Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft

There are no uniform publication requirements for non-profit organisations in Germany. Those who work for the common good should nevertheless tell the community: what exactly the organisation’s goals are, where the funds come from, how they are used and who the decision-makers are. At the suggestion of Transparency Deutschland e. V. and with the participation of numerous other actors from civil society and academia, the Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft e. V. has defined 10 basic points that every civil society organisation, regardless of its legal form, size or area of activity, should make accessible to the public. Learn more about the Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft.

1. Name, registered office, address and founding year

Name: Tatort Zukunft e. V.
Office: Berlin
Address: c/o sbh Berlin, Bundesallee 42, 10715 Berlin
Year of foundation: 2018
Contact person: Dr. Julian Knop

2. Complete articles of association as well as information on the organizational objectives

3. Information on tax benefits

Our work pursues tax-privileged purposes according to §§ 51, 59, 60 and 61 of the tax code due to the promotion of welfare for prisoners and ex-prisoners, crime prevention as well as youth welfare and promotion of vocational training according to the last assessment notice we received according to § 60a AO by the Tax Office for Corporations I, Berlin (tax number 27 / 678 / 60136 F135) dated 21.10.2019.

4. Name and function of key decision-makers

To the Annual Report 2020, S. 39

5. Activity report

To the Annual Report 2020, S. 24-33

6. Personnel structure

To the Annual Report 2020, S. 39

7. Information on source and application of funds

See Annual Report 2020, S. 42-43

8. Legal relationship with third parties

Tatort Zukunft e.V. is not affiliated with any third parties.

9. Names of persons whose annual payments account for more than 10% of the total annual budget

In the Annual Report 2020 on pages 42 and 43 , all details of all grants received are listed. Prize money from the “Gesellschaft der Ideen” competition, project funding from the CMS Foundation, and honoraria paid by Gefangenen helfen Jugendlichen e.V. each accounted for more than 10% of the total annual budget. There were no individual donations that accounted for more than 10% of the total annual budget.

Berliner Transparenzgrundsätze

We support the:

Transparency principles of Berlin third sector organizations

With the following transparency principles, Berlin’s third sector organizations aim to improve the conditions for the active participation of Berlin’s citizens in shaping urban life. Transparency is the basis for trust in the work of non-profit organizations, associations and foundations. Organizations and individuals that receive private or public funds in trust to work for the common good have a special obligation to provide information, to communicate openly, and to establish internal democratic structures.
In this spirit, the undersigned organizations declare their willingness to base their work on the following 10 principles:

1. Social Responsibility

We acknowledge our responsibility for our social actions. We commit ourselves to align our actions in relation to partners and stakeholders with democratic and partnership principles and to provide information about them at all times.

2. Values and Visions

We make our mission statement and the values underlying our activities available in a comprehensible, clear and easily accessible form.

3. Motives and Object of Work

We make available to the public the motives of our work as well as the essential content-related and economic information about our organization and report comprehensively on our fields of activity.

4. Structures

We provide information about the opportunities for participation and collaboration in our organization and make our decision-making structures and hierarchies transparent.

5. Methods of Work

We provide information about the methods used in our work and enable a transfer of knowledge about methods that have been successfully tested in practice.

6. Quality of Work

We regularly evaluate the quality of our work. We disclose the evaluation standards and the results, as well as the number and training levels of our full-time and volunteer staff.

7. Economic Action

We establish guiding principles for our economic actions that take into account the standards of responsible corporate governance. We provide information about these principles and their implementation at all times.

8. Acquisition of Resources

We regularly provide information in a generally understandable form about how and which resources were obtained for our organization and from which sources they originate.

9. Use of Resources

We use our resources responsibly and for the benefit of the general public. We regularly report on this in a generally comprehensible form and present in a comprehensible way how resources are managed and used.

10. Visual Communication

As far as the principles of our work allow, we publicly present the places, the equipment and the forms of our work in pictures or film, taking into account data protection. In the selection and design of the media used, we take care that they reflect our work and its environment in a meaningful and truthful way.